Tuesday, February 12, 2013

We started this House Church in another area last December and there's so much stories of what God's been doing in their lives.

-- One couple shared how God provides for them, and how He comes and rescues them at the right time, at the right situation..

-- One wife had been praying to see her sister and after 16 years, they got in touched with each other and finally reunited last month.... Seeing each other wasn't the end of the story... Since then they have been in contact with each other. The sister lives two hours drive away. The sister texted her and told her that she and her husband agreed that they will support one of her children to go to school!!! 
Wonderful, not just restoration but sharing love, and care...

-- We visited a man who can't come at our house church because of frequent epilepsy attacks. We thought we go and encourage him but it turned out we were the ones being encouraged by him... His faith.. 
And how he chose to believe that though it's a mystery why God isn't healing him, his affliction doesn't come from God,..

-- Last week i told them we will go and visit people. Everyone started to talk about the time, which house first, etc's.  In my mind, i said no one will come.,. 
The day of the visiting, i was amazed because they were waiting for me, almost all of them waited and even texted me while i was on my way!.
Such an open hearted people,..

-- when God said to go, He won't let us go unprepared. We don't have to struggle on what to bring, because we are being equipped before we go,.

-- In a little while i knew some of these ladies and even our gentlemen will become leaders..

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