Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Father never gives illness to His child to punish....

Five months ago this woman suffered an ischemic stroke. Her right arm and Right leg affected... Though she got ill, she still leads house church every Sunday. She is still active on church activities... She never shows us any weakness.. But one thing i notice is that she's never the same again.. She's not as expressive as before anymore when it comes to her opinion...                         
I see pain in her eyes even though she never speak about it...

During Love Baguio (Bible Study every Tuesday), Ate Lony shared about God's goodness.. This woman was touched so deeply that she was able to share what was in her heart....

For such a long time people has been telling her she got her illness because she did something wrong, because she was a sinner....

Upon hearing ate Lony's message, this woman after carrying the thought that she was sick because of sin was able to release it, release what's in her heart...
The pain i keep seeing in her eyes for so long... has been released....

Joy restored, hope restored thank you Jesus.... 
Praying that she be healed emotionally and psychically..  

May we see the smile again in these pictures taken months before she got ill...
Restoration and healing in Jesus name... 

May we hear your wholehearted laugh.. And may we hear again how you talk about me and my life story mama,..                 I believe.. Jesus..


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